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Chris’s Angels

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Chris’s Angels


Hi there,
As you all know i suddenly lost my beautiful Mum Chris in June 2012 to the silent killer melonoma, with only a 12 day battle from Diognosis it turned our lives upside down and then we were faced with the heavy task of accepting, understanding and wondering how we put the pieces of our lives back together without our now Angel Chris. 
I know in my heart Mum would want to raise much needed funding for the ongoing research of melanoma.  
Her legacy will live on and she will always be remembered as a fighter. She never gave up, right up until her last breath. 
I intend to honour her fight and willpowe, hopefully bringing awareness and educating people of the harsh effects the sun can have on your life, if this fundraiser can save at least one life or prevent another family going through the grief & loss that my family and hundreds of other families have to go through then it will all be worth it. 
Please join Chris’s Angels team for a march on March 31st commencing at Henley Beach, I will be organising hot pink T-shirt’s in honour of the late Christine Mannak.
Let’s kick melonomas butt.  
29/06/1960 ~26/06/2012. 
If I have decided to make a difference by creating my very own fundraising page for Melanoma March. Through here you can easily support my efforts by making a secure donation. All funds raised will go towards a national melanoma research project to save lives. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page or comment so more people know about it.  
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. 
Thanks so much for your support!

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Chris’s Angels

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    Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)

    Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.

    For more info, visit our website.

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